The Cryolipolysis method a Cosmetic Fat Reduction is the unique, non-invasive procedure that uses advanced cooling technology to permanently eliminate local fat, in specific areas of the body, through a unique technology called Cryolipolysis. Its application does not include incisions, does not require anesthesia, does not require hospitalization, and reduces the fat layer without damaging the skin or other tissues.
What is the difference between Cryolipolysis and Coolsculpting?
It is important to note that not all Cryolipolysis devices are the same. The efficiency as well as the security of the application depends on the type of machine. Only Cool Body Sculpting offers the patented Freeze Detect technology that ensures the most secure and spectacular results in a single session. CE marked for all medical devices and approved by the FDA (World Food and Drug Administration). The procedure is under medical supervision. Thanks to the use of cold - in a controlled process - forces the adipocytes to "apoptize", that is, to be destroyed and then eliminated by the body, "phagocytosis", in a naturally biological way.
It is an ideal method for those who have local thickness that resists diet and exercise. It is successfully applied to the buttocks, the abdomen, the waist, the inside of the thighs, generally in areas where there is accumulated fat, in both women and men.
Does Fat Freezing Work?
CoolSculpting is most effective with an experienced physician, the right design and several sessions to maximize results and reduce the risk of side effects. CoolSculpting has many benefits over traditional liposuction:
You can drive yourself home after your treatments and return to your normal activities immediately.
If you are thinking of doing CoolSculpting, it should weigh the benefits of the risks, and talk to your doctor to see if it is right for you and know about Cool Body Sculpting Cost.
Cryolipolysis treatment usually requires one session. Depending on the size of the treatment area, a session can last from about 45 minutes to about 2 hours. The response of each skin will determine whether it will require a repetitive session. The end result becomes visible 2-3 months after application.
The comparative advantages of Coolsculpting technology over other cryolipolysis methods are that only one session per region is required, and that it is the only cryolipolysis device approved by the worldwide FDA. The results are not immediate, and it may take more than 3-4 weeks for them to be visible because the fat is excreted naturally by the body, which takes time.
Ideal for both sexes
CoolSculpting Cryolipolysis is ideal for both men and women. Before you can evaluate how CoolSculpting Crystallization is recommended and you need to analyze your body mass. As for a cure for local thickness and to combat it, we need to find out whether it is visceral or pea fat. You should consult your doctor and your specialist therapist to find out that CoolSculpting is right for you.
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